Participants in L3 heard fromĀ postdocs, graduate students, or faculty at the University of Chicago (at its Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics as well as its Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics), as well as employees of the Field Museum, FermiLab, and Adler Planetarium.
All presenters were trained on how best to communicate with older-adult audiences by gerontologist Karen Kolb Flude, who provided valuable feedback throughout the program. Many gave their talks multiple times, and benefited from having a chance to hone their communication skills with our wonderful audiences/participants. Just as one example, Daniel Scolnic went from L3 presentations to being a FameLab National Finalist — you can think of this as the American Idol of Science Communication. You might enjoy watching his FameLab talkĀ about the accelerating universe. If you attended our talks or are curious to learn more about our team, click below to read about your favorite presenter, download their presentation, learn where/when they presented, and browse photos of audiences at their talk.