Sean Couch
Sean Couch
Sean Couch

Dr. Sean Couch is a theoretical astrophysicist studying the explosions of the most massive stars and is currently a Hubble Fellow at the University of Chicago.  Dr. Couch employs detailed supercomputer simulations to explore the mechanism that causes big stars at the end of their lives to turn themselves inside-out in luminous explosions called supernovae. This is an incredibly challenging problem and decades of effort have yet to shed light on the exact chain of events that causes these explosions. Modern simulations, such as Dr. Couch’s, made possible only by the newest, biggest computers, might make a resolution to this long-standing quandary close at-hand.

Dr. Couch was born in Cincinnati, OH, and grew up in Aurora, Indiana.  He did his undergraduate studies at Butler University in Indianapolis and received his Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin.