Faustin Carter
Faustin Carter, an unlikely physicist, hails from Alaska, and has skied cross country since he was 3. After a mediocre grade in the introductory physics class he had to take for an aerospace engineering degree at Clarkson University, Faustin took a job with GE in San Francisco. To temper his BART commute in the Bay Area, Faustin started to read physics books and signed up for college physics classes at San Francisco State, got a master’s degree there, and started to work in a Livermore Lab on photon and particle detectors. Eventually, Faustin found his way to the Ph.D. program in applied physics at Yale. Faustin is now a postdoc at Argonne National Labs, where he works on building detectors for the South Pole Telescope, which studies the microwave after glow of the Big Bang.