
Left panel shows a wine-bottle potential well with residual azimuthal symmetry corresponding to a pseudo Nambu-Goldstone boson (the axion). Right panel shows some relevant terms in the axion Lagrangian of axions, as well as the Jeans length associated with axions

Left panel shows a wine-bottle potential well with residual azimuthal symmetry corresponding to a pseudo Nambu-Goldstone boson (the axion). Right panel shows some relevant terms in the axion Lagrangian of axions, as well as the Jeans length associated with axions

Axions are hypothetical particles, the pseudo Nambu-Goldstone bosons of new global symmetry (as shown in the figure above to the left). They may solve the strong-CP problem of the standard model, and furnish an attractive candidate for either cold dark matter or a sub-dominant hot dark matter component. At low masses, axions could also comprise some of the dark energy. Axions may arise naturally in string theory due to compactification of higher-form gauge fields, and there may indeed be many axions in nature! I am interested in astrophysical probes of axions, either through their two-photon coupling (as shown by the proportionality in the above figure to the right) or their gravitational imprint (as parameterized by the axion Jeans scale in the last equation above. In the future, I hope to explore the implications of upcoming measurements of weak gravitational lensing of the CMB for allowed axion parameter space, and to understand in detail the formation of galaxies and other non-linear cosmological structure in axion (or axion-like) dark matter and dark energy models.