Stephanie Baumgart
Stephanie Baumgart
Stephanie Baumgart

A life-long lover of dinosaurs, Stephanie began her paleontological career in Paul Sereno fossil lab at the University of Chicago. She learned how to prepare fossils, worked as a teaching assistant for his classes, and began conducting research on pneumatic (air-filled) sacs in the wing skeletons of pterosaurs and birds for her senior honors thesis.

After receiving her undergraduate degree, Stephanie has continued research on the evolution of vertebrate flight. She is pursuing a PhD in Integrative Biology at the University of Chicago, focusing on studying the effect of the skeletal pneumatic air-sacs in the wing skeletons of birds and pterosaurs and if the lack of air-sacs constrains bats to a small body size.

In addition to research, Stephanie has become very involved in teaching and outreach. She has talked with students of all ages in schools, public spaces, and at the Field Museum. She is also one of the founders of the University of Chicago Paleontology Club, a club to bring together those interested in learning about paleontology, either as a career or a hobby.

In all the spare time a graduate student is allotted, Stephanie enjoys watching Bones and Once Upon a Time with her roommate, bonfires with friends, crocheting, and crafting chainmaille jewelry.