These are some people, organizations, and publications I find worthwhile. Check their webpages out! If you feel left out, let me know, and I will link you in!
Blogs and Friendly Websites
Glorious professional webpage of David Hembry
Adrienne Erickcek, fellow TAPIR and cosmologist.
Craig Hetherington
Nate and Lucia Bode
Cosmic Variance
Physics and Astronomy
My academic family
TAPIR (Theoretical AstroPhysics, Including Relativity) at Caltech
The Princeton University Physics Department. Physics is PHUN!
Cosmology at Princeton
LANL math/physics/astronomy preprint Archive.
Caltech Astronomy
Astronomy and Astrophysics at Princeton
Yacine and his dusty world and awesome code
Arts and Letters Daily.
Oxford English Dictionary.
The Onion.
The New York Times.
Los Angeles Times.
Dinosaur Comics!
My Life
Princeton’s student radio station, WPRB103.3FM. They do live webcasts.
California Institute of Technology
Princeton University.
Los Gatos High School.
Oxford University.
Oxfam; they feed hungry folk.
Classical Music
KUSC–Public Classical Radio in Los Angeles
Los Angeles Philharmonic
Colburn School
Coleman Chamber Music Series at Caltech
California Summer Music
Princeton University Orchestra
Caltech Chamber Music
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